Whether a sole-proprietorship, partnership, or a limited liability corporation, all small business owners know that they are already investors in their own business. With so much involved in the day-to-day operations of running a business, many small business owners place investing in the back of their minds. However, this can be a dangerous way to […]
Most of the financial plans we make when we’re young have to do with preparing for that golden someday when we no longer have to work. Whether that is a few years from now when you plan on amassing a ten-million-dollar fortune or thirty years from now when you plan on a more traditional retirement,[…..]
One area that has recently been under study is the reason minorities aren’t investing as much as they could. While there is an overall need to start planning for the future, particularly retirement, African Americans and Hispanics are among the groups that invest the least. Only 66 percent of African Americans and 65 percent of[…..]
Offering financial advice for women can oftentimes be a tricky subject. After all, we’re taught to treat men and women as equals in all things related to business: education, employment, and advancement. In most cases, that’s easy enough to do; we’ve long since passed the threshold where men and women are viewed as being capable[…..]